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- Soure: The Star - Sheffield
- Date: February 17, 1996
- Whitley Strieber says he's been kidnapped by aliens - little grey men with a
- thing about chocolate.
- By David Clarke
- THEY travel around in flying saucers, live beyond time, have pasty grey faces
- and don't like chocolate.
- No, it's not some bizarre storyline from an episode of hit TV sci fi show The
- X-Files but real life according to bestselling novelist Whitley Strieber.
- He is just one of thousands of Americans who believe they have been abducted
- and examined by alien creatures from another world.
- Eight years ago Strieber braved ridicule from fellow writers and scientists
- when he published his book Communion which claimed to be a true account of his
- experiences with what he called "the visitors".
- Now the New York-based writier, whose books The Wolfen and Communuion were all
- made into block buster films is to talk about his out-of-this world experiences
- before a British audience for the first time in Sheffield.
- Buffs from the British UFO Research Association have pursuaded Streiber, whose
- third book on alienswas published in the US this month to speak at a one off
- conference at Sheffield Hallam University in April.
- In his latest book Streiber publishes a list of US Air Force bases which he
- says have captured flying saucers and have aliens hidden away in secret vaults.
- And he is expected to reveal how "the visitors" are frequent visitors to his
- remote cabin in New York State where they have been seen by formerly sceptical
- friends.
- On one occasion he even claims one of the small grey creatures told him: "If
- you continue to eat sweets you cannot hope to live long, and if you eat
- chocolate you will die."
- And although one of his books begins with an experience on April 1st, Strieber
- insists they are all true and he has subjected himself to a series of
- psychological and lie-detector tests to prove his is not mad.
- Expert Any Roberts, assistant editor of BUFORA magazine UFO Times said today:
- "Whitley Strieber has clearly had some highly unusual experiences. The content
- if these experiences is so bizarre that it is tempting to suggest they are
- purely imagination.
- "In my opinion there is no evidence aliens exist but Strieber's story makes the
- X-Files seem as normal as `Watch with Mother'"
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